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Ways to Ask for that Raise

Self- worth is key in having a successful career and advancing toward your ultimate work goals. Don’t settle for a salary that doesn’t fit your work ethics and/or goals.

Here are four ways to consider asking for that raise:

  1. Good timing – Make sure it’s a good time for your company to even consider giving you a raise. If sales are not meeting the quota at your company, it’s probably not a good time to ask for that raise. Also, asking for a raise two months after hire is way too soon! Timing is everything.
  2. Ask after a big accomplishment – This goes back to having good timing. If you just landed a big sale or scored a major deal for your company, now is a great time to ask for that raise. Capitalize on your current success and use this to your advantage.
  3. Ask in person – This is just one of those conversations that needs to be in person. Yes, emails can be used to schedule meetings, but this meeting should be personally and verbally arranged. Ask when your boss has a little free time to sit and discuss your salary, like over lunch.
  4. Rehearse! – Prepare for this ahead of time. You should know and be able to explain exactly why you deserve this raise. Recently pitched something new and innovative to your company? Taken on more tasks as of lately? New responsibilities? Mention these circumstances when having this conversation.

Things “not” to say:

  • “I deserve this raise.”
  • “I need the money.”
  • “My co-worker is making more than me.”
  • “If I don’t get a raise, I quit.”

Remember a closed mouth never gets fed so speak up, be confident and Dress for Success

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Focus on Interviews – The Salary Question

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